Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
2 // Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Vinnie Falco (vinnie dot falco at gmail dot com)
3 //
4 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
5 // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
6 //
7 // Official repository: https://github.com/boostorg/beast
8 //
13 #include <boost/beast/config.hpp>
15 #include <iosfwd>
17 namespace boost {
18 namespace beast {
19 namespace http {
21 enum class field : unsigned short
22 {
23  unknown = 0,
25  a_im,
26  accept,
44  age,
45  allow,
46  alpn,
48  alt_svc,
49  alt_used,
51  alternates,
54  approved,
55  archive,
66  base,
67  bcc,
68  body,
69  c_ext,
70  c_man,
71  c_opt,
72  c_pep,
73  c_pep_info,
76  cancel_key,
78  cc,
79  close,
81  compliance,
82  connection,
90  content_id,
101  content_type,
103  control,
104  conversion,
106  cookie,
107  cookie2,
108  cost,
109  dasl,
110  date,
112  dav,
116  delta_base,
117  depth,
118  derived_from,
119  destination,
121  digest,
127  distribution,
153  encoding,
154  encrypted,
155  errors_to,
156  etag,
157  expect,
158  expires,
159  expiry_date,
160  ext,
161  followup_to,
162  forwarded,
163  from,
165  getprofile,
166  hobareg,
167  host,
169  if_,
170  if_match,
173  if_range,
176  im,
177  importance,
178  in_reply_to,
182  jabber_id,
183  keep_alive,
184  keywords,
185  label,
186  language,
189  lines,
190  link,
191  list_archive,
192  list_help,
193  list_id,
194  list_owner,
195  list_post,
199  location,
200  lock_token,
201  man,
202  max_forwards,
205  message_id,
206  message_type,
207  meter,
208  method_check,
210  mime_version,
226  mt_priority,
227  negotiate,
228  newsgroups,
232  obsoletes,
233  opt,
234  optional,
237  organization,
238  origin,
246  overwrite,
247  p3p,
248  path,
249  pep,
250  pep_info,
251  pics_label,
252  position,
254  pragma,
255  prefer,
258  priority,
259  privicon,
261  protocol,
271  public_,
274  range,
275  received,
276  received_spf,
277  redirect_ref,
278  references,
279  referer,
280  referer_root,
282  reply_by,
283  reply_to,
285  resent_bcc,
286  resent_cc,
287  resent_date,
288  resent_from,
292  resent_to,
295  retry_after,
296  return_path,
297  safe,
299  schedule_tag,
306  see_also,
307  sender,
308  sensitivity,
309  server,
310  set_cookie,
311  set_cookie2,
312  setprofile,
313  sio_label,
315  slug,
316  soapaction,
317  solicitation,
318  status_uri,
320  subject,
321  subok,
322  subst,
323  summary,
324  supersedes,
327  tcn,
328  te,
329  timeout,
330  title,
331  to,
332  topic,
333  trailer,
335  ttl,
336  ua_color,
337  ua_media,
338  ua_pixels,
341  upgrade,
342  urgency,
343  uri,
344  user_agent,
345  variant_vary,
346  vary,
347  vbr_info,
348  version,
349  via,
350  want_digest,
351  warning,
360  x_mittente,
361  x_pgp_sig,
362  x_ricevuta,
365  x_trasporto,
374  x400_trace,
375  xref,
376 };
383 to_string(field f);
392 field
396 inline
399 {
400  return os << to_string(f);
401 }
403 } // http
404 } // beast
405 } // boost
409 #endif
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, message< isRequest, basic_file_body< File >, Fields > const &msg)=delete
Definition: async_result.hpp:20
Definition: field.hpp:21
detail::ostream_helper< DynamicBuffer, char, std::char_traits< char >, detail::basic_streambuf_movable::value > ostream(DynamicBuffer &buffer)
Definition: ostream.hpp:91
field string_to_field(string_view s)
Definition: field.ipp:552
Definition: beast_common.hpp:6
string_view to_string(field f)
Definition: field.ipp:545
boost::string_ref string_view
The type of string view used by the library.
Definition: string.hpp:36