trace_macros::DEBUG_TRACE! [] [src]

macro_rules! DEBUG_TRACE {
    (type=>$tp:expr, sep=>$sep:expr, $msg:expr) => {{ println!("{}:{} - {}: {:?}", file!(), line!(), $tp, $msg); }};
    (type=>$tp:expr, sep=>$sep:expr, $($arg:expr),+) => {{ println!("{}:{} - {}: {}", file!(), line!(), $tp, [$(format!("{:?}", $arg),)+].connect($sep)); }};
    (type=>$tp:expr, $msg:expr) => {{ println!("{}:{} - {}: {:?}", file!(), line!(), $tp, $msg); }};
    (type=>$tp:expr, $($arg:expr),+) => {{ println!("{}:{} - {}: {}", file!(), line!(), $tp, [$(format!("{:?}", $arg),)+].connect(" ")); }};
    (type=>$tp:expr) => {{ println!("{}:{} - {}", file!(), line!(), $tp); }};
    (sep=>$sep:expr, $($arg:expr),+) => {{ println!("{}:{} - {}", file!(), line!(), [$(format!("{:?}", $arg),)+].connect($sep)); }};
    ($msg:expr) => {{ println!("{}:{} - {:?}", file!(), line!(), $msg); }};
    ($($arg:expr),+) => {{ println!("{}:{} - {}", file!(), line!(), [$(format!("{:?}", $arg),)+].connect(" ")); }};
    () => {{ println!("{}:{}", file!(), line!()); }};

Debug trace macro like TRACE!

Prints with the following format: file!:line! - [type:] [Message]


It is the same as TRACE! except that it prints with fmt::Debug trait.